MinnAqua Program provides these images, graphics, and photographs for educational use. Click on an image to open a full-size version of the image.
Fish survey nets
Gill Net | Shoreline Seine | Trap Net |
Trawl | Trot Line | |
Fish survey tools and methods
Backpack Electrofishing Unit | Electrofishing Boat | Fin Clip |
Fish Tag | Fish Population Estimates Graph | Stripping walleye eggs |
Habitats and Restoration
Buffer Zone | Constructed Fish Passage | Degraded Shoreline |
High Quality Natural Shoreline | Invasive Species Sign | Lake home with no buffer zone |
Limnetic and Profundal Zones | Littoral Zone | Low-head Dam |
Mississippi River Drainage Basin | Minnesota Fish Habitat Zones | Minnesota Watershed Boundaries |
Public Water Access | Rain Garden | Reclaimed Shoreline |
Riparian Habitat | Shoreline Restoration Sign | |
Water Quality Survey Equipment
Constructing a dip net step 1 | Constructing a dip net step 2 | Constructing a dip net step 3 |
D-frame Dip Net | Eckman Dredge | Handled Kick Net |
Hester Dendy Sampler | Home Made Muck Scooper | Secchi Disk |
Triangle Dip Net | Water Quality Parameters Graph | |