MinnAqua Leader's Guide

MinnAqua Leader's guide coverWhether you are an avid angler or have never picked up a fishing rod, we've designed Fishing: Get in the Habitat! to make it easy for you plan and conduct fishing trips that are safe, educational and fun!

Fishing and so much more

The MinnAqua Leader's Guide includes lessons and activities on:

  • Aquatic Habitats
  • Minnesota Fish
  • Water Stewardship
  • Fisheries Management
  • Fishing Equipment and Skills
  • Safety and the Fishing Trip
View and download the Leader's Guide as PDF files from our website.

Sample lessons:

Participant with fish they caughtDesigned for teachers, youth leaders, environmental educators

This innovative, Minnesota-based curriculum guide can be used by teachers, scout groups, youth program leaders, environmental educators, or anyone interested in teaching fishing and aquatic education.

Lessons are aligned with:

  • Minnesota Academic Standards for grades 3-5
  • Environmental Literacy Scope and Sequence
  • Boy Scout badge requirements
  • Junior Girl Scout badge requirements
  • 4-H fishing activity requirements

Fishing: Get in the Habitat! has been reviewed by more than 100 experts! Take a look at our list of contributors.

We'd love to hear from you! Send your feedback and comments to the MinnAqua contact nearest you.

Science Institute for Educators

Professional Development Opportunity and Lesson Plans Available for Educators

The Science Institute for Educators, SIE, was developed through a partnership between the MN DNR MinnAqua Program and Great Lakes Aquarium to broaden and deepen the reach both programs have with educators in the Duluth region. The partnership has grown since its inception in 2010. Currently the collaboration partners for SIE are Great Lakes Aquarium, MN DNR MinnAqua Program, Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center and Minnesota Sea Grant. The partners were awarded a grant from Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program, which partially funded the Science Institute in 2012-2013 and will again in 2013-2104. This grant broadened the reach of the Science Institute for Educators further along the North Shore.

The goals for the 2013-2014 Science Institute for Educators project are to:

  • Connect local teachers with current research in and around Lake Superior through presentations by scientists
  • Develop high-quality lessons focused on grades 6-8 with adaptations for elementary and high school audiences that correspond with the scientific presentations
  • Provide kits in the Great Lakes Aquarium Lending Library with the materials needed for a teacher to conduct the lesson developed for each workshop
  • Demonstrate innovative, experiential teaching methods that focus on students being active participants and/or using real data during each workshop
  • Connect local teachers, scientists and institutions to each other in order to encourage a continued network of information exchange and conservation initiatives by providing networking opportunities during and after each workshop

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