Our Staff

Chris Clayton


To avoid the discomfort of writing about himself in the third person, Editor in Chief Chris Clayton briefly considered farming out this note to his two kids. But then he realized what that might look like (e.g., “When he’s not busy losing his hair and telling bad jokes…”), so he decided to do it himself. Chris joined Minnesota Conservation Volunteer in July 2018, after holding leadership positions at multiple regional and national publications. In his side hustle as a freelancer, he has written for the likes of Outside, Runner’s World, CNN, Eater, and Men’s Health. In his free time, Chris enjoys cooking, camping, and hanging with his wife, kids, and high-strung dog.


Keith Goetzman


Managing editor Keith Goetzman joined Minnesota Conservation Volunteer in 2012, bringing a passion for outdoor adventure and decades of writing and editing experience for newspapers and magazines. A fan of backcountry camping and canoe tripping, bicycling of all kinds, and winter sports from skiing to snowshoeing, Keith is also a keen observer of Minnesota's wildlife and flora. He lives with his wife and three children in south Maplewood, where they battle buckthorn and grow vegetables, trees, and native plants.


Lynn Phelps


Art director Lynn Phelps has been an award-winning creative professional for more than 30 years with both regional and national publications. In his once-in-a-while spare time, he is learning jazz guitar.





Jill Anderson


Marketing and Circulation Director Jill Anderson joined MCV in 2017. She brings over 35 years of publishing, circulation, and marketing experience with both regional and national publications to Minnesota Conservation Volunteer. She lives in New Hope with her husband Erik and loves to read and quilt. Most weekends she can be found at the family lake home enjoying board games, campfires, and cool evenings watching wildlife on the lake.