Minnesota Conservation Volunteer is available online or mailed on request. An annual contribution of any amount ensures continuation of your subscription.
Frequently asked questions about subscribing
Is Minnesota Conservation Volunteer part of the Department of Natural Resources?
Yes, the DNR began publishing this magazine in 1940. The MCV staff works in the DNR Central Office. Since 2003 MCV has counted on reader contributions to cover all operating costs, including staff salaries and benefits. To learn more, see Our Story.
How often is Minnesota Conservation Volunteer published?
Each year we publish six issues: January–February, March–April, May–June, July–August, September–October, and November–December.
Is PO Box 325, Congers, NY a valid address for MCV?
Yes, it is. MCV is now partnering with Cambey & West, a circulation fulfillment vendor based in Congers, New York. We made this change to better serve you, our valued readers. One of the many benefits of this change will be your ability to access your subscription information online with the email address associated with your account. If you don't have an email listed on your subscriber record or have other questions about managing your subscription, call toll-free 844-245-7115 or email mcvmagazine@cambeywest.com. An experienced team of customer service representatives is ready to assist.
How long will my subscription last? Will I receive a bill or invoice every year?
No, you will not receive an invoice, but you will receive reminders that subscriptions are for one year based on the date of last contribution received. Plan your annual contribution by referring to the date of "Your Last Contribution" printed on your magazine's address label.
How much should I contribute?
An annual contribution of any amount automatically renews your subscription. We suggest $25, but many readers contribute more. Our monthly sustainers provide greatly appreciated support—$5 or $10 per month, or more for those who are financially able.
What if I just want to contribute and not receive the magazine?
Call our customer service team toll-free at 844-245-7115 or email mcvmagazine@cambeywest.com and let them know you would like to donate to Minnesota Conservation Volunteer but would like the magazine delivery suspended.
Can I provide a monthly sustaining contribution to keep my subscription active?
Yes, visit our Subscribe or Renew page. Signing up is easy, and you can stop or change your contribution at any time. The minimum credit-card transaction is $5.
Why is a subscription contribution needed for renewal? I pay Minnesota taxes.
Minnesota Conservation Volunteer receives no financial support from the state and only administrative services from the DNR. All direct costs of publication are paid with financial support provided by readers. We can afford to sustain subscriptions only for those who contribute.
If I don't want to contribute or can't afford to, where can I find the magazine?
Minnesota Conservation Volunteer is available to everyone at local public libraries across the state and feature stories are available online. Entire issues from previous years are available as PDF's in our online archives.
How can I check the status of my subscription or make an address change?
Log in with your email address to check on the status of your subscription, make an address change, update or add an email address, or request a cancellation. Call 844-245-7115 or email mcvmagazine@cambeywest.com with questions or changes.
How do I make a temporary address change?
Visit our customer service page to make the address change on your record and make a comment that this is a temporary address. If you're a "Snowbird" making the same address changes each year, you can include the move dates in the comment section so the address changes can be automatically applied as you move back and forth between your permanent home and your vacation home. Subscribers can also call 844-245-7115 or email move dates and addresses to mcvmagazine@cambeywest.com.
How can I give a gift subscription?
Gift subscriptions are a great way to introduce friends to MCV. A suggested $25 gift begins or renews a one-year subscription. With each gift subscription, you receive a beautiful gift card to pass on to the recipient of your thoughtful gift. If you have an email address on file with us, you'll be able to see your past gift recipients before ordering.
If I've missed an issue, can I have it replaced?
Undelivered, missing, and damaged issues will be replaced at no cost. Visit our customer service page, call 844-245-7115, or email mcvmagazine@cambeywest.com.
Can I order extra copies of a past issue?
Yes, extra copies of a particular issue can be purchased at 50 cents per copy, plus $5 shipping and handling per order. Call 651-259-5358 or email jill.anderson@state.mn.us to place an order.
Can international residents subscribe?
Yes. Subscriptions outside the United States are $38 per year to cover the additional mailing costs.
Can I still contact Minnesota Conversation Volunteer magazine staff directly?
Absolutely. For concerns about your subscription, contact Jill Anderson at 651-259-5358 or email jill.anderson@state.mn.us. Send your editorial questions or comments to lettertoeditor.mcv@state.mn.us.