General wildlife control techniques

Are you having a problem with wild animals damaging your property? We have some tips for you!

Change your landscape

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple change of scenery.

  • Geese on the shoreline - add a tall grass buffer along a pond, lake or rivers edge.
  • Raptors killing chickens - use removable roost perches.
  • Muskrats tunneling in dams or dikes - decrease slopes and/or add rock rip rap.
  • Animals eating plants - remove the plant or try a different type of plant.
Be aware of wetland regulations. You may need a permit when you alter a shoreline. Remember, the shoreline is not yours. What you do to it impacts everyone.

Put up a fence

Gardens often attract rabbits, groundhogs, and deer, so consider constructing a fence. Fences are a long-term and relatively inexpensive solution.

Use non-toxic chemical repellants

You might want to look into non-toxic chemical repellants. They are temporary, and might be more expensive than other options, but they work in many cases. 

Remove the animal

If you encounter a particularly troublesome animal like a skunk under the porch or an aggressive groundhog, the most effective method of control may be to remove it by either destroying or relocating it. If you're releasing it on someone else's property - public or private - make sure you get permission. Get more information on taking and releasing wild animals.

Get help from animal control

Contact your local animal control or police department for advice and local restrictions. If you're a farmer, contact your area wildlife manager . If you're having a problem with cormorants, you must consult with the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

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