The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is collecting data and has developed a groundwater flow model to evaluate the impacts of pumping on Cold Spring Creek. A groundwater flow model simulates existing groundwater conditions and can be used as a predictive tool to guide future groundwater use.
Study Timeline
The DNR completed construction of the groundwater flow model in 2019. They will monitor and collect data through 2020 for use in potential future model refinements.
Additional Information
Fact Sheets
Project Updates
Annual Reports
2020201920182017Technical Advisory Group
- Dr. Bob Tipping, Minnesota Geological Survey - University of Minnesota
- Mr. Jeppe Kjaersgaard - Minnesota Department of Agriculture
- Mr. John Woodside - Minnesota Department of Health
- Mr. Larry Kramka - Foth Infrastructure & Environment (representing Cold Spring Brewing Company)
- Mr. Mark Janovec - Stantec (representing City of Cold Spring)
- Mr. Mike MacDonald - Minnesota Department of Agriculture
- Mr. Richard Soule - Minnesota Department of Health
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