Reliable water supplies are critical for economic wellbeing and environmental health. As part of a statewide analysis of groundwater resources the DNR identified the north and east Twin Cities metropolitan area as an area of specific concern where groundwater resources are at risk of overuse and degraded quality. Several factors led to this decision, the projected population growth and water use in the area, the presence of surface waters that are sensitive to fluctuations in aquifer levels, and the occurrence of known contamination that limits opportunities to use groundwater. Increasing demands on groundwater resources in the North and East Metro Area require new approaches to groundwater use and management.
By moving ahead with the comprehensive management framework laid out in the management plan, it is possible to plan for change and avoid disruption. The area’s businesses will be able to continue to prosper, communities will be assured of a reliable water supply, and the water features and natural resources that make the area such a good place to live will continue to function and provide their many benefits.
Washington and Ramsey counties, along with portions of Anoka and Hennepin counties have been designated as the North and East Metro Groundwater Management Area (GWMA).
This designation allows a more comprehensive and focused approach to ensuring that groundwater supplies remain adequate to meet human needs, while protecting lakes, streams and wetlands.
Upcoming meeting
To be determined
Previous meeting materials
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
- Agenda
- 2050 Water Policy Plan Update – Lanya Ross – Metropolitan Council
- Next Round of 10-year Water Supply Planning – Claudia Hochstein – MN DNR
- White Bear Lake Area Comprehensive Plan Update – Greg Johnson – Metropolitan Council
Management plan
North and East Metro GWMA Plan
This plan will guide the DNR's efforts to continue to manage groundwater appropriations sustainably in this area of the state.
Groundwater model
A groundwater model for the North and East Metro Groundwater Management Area was developed to help understand how pumping affects aquifers and lake levels within the area. The report is available for review.
- Advisory team
- Advisory team meeting agendas
- 2024
- Advisory team meeting summaries
- 2024
Project updates and information
- GIS Analysis of Groundwater Influenced Shallow Wetlands in Anoka Sand Plain
- Groundwater Use Types and Annual Average Volumes in the North and East Metro GWMA
- Observation Well Network Information
Project manager:
Dan Miller
[email protected]
Or send questions to [email protected].