Other restrictions
The DNR may include the following restrictions as part of a fishing contest permit:
- Restrictions on live-release or off-site weigh-ins, or denial of live-release or off-site weigh-ins to prevent undue loss of fish;
- Restrictions on hours that a fishing contest is conducted including specified start and stop times;
- Limits on pre-fishing and proof that such limits were communicated to contest participants and enforced; and
- Limits on the use of parking spaces at state-owned public water access sites and proof that such limits were communicated to the participants and enforced.
Failure to comply with fishing contest permit restrictions may be considered grounds for denial of future permit applications.Contests must submit a contest fishing report furnished with the permit within 30 days following the contest.Minnesota statute requires tournaments to obtain a permit from the sheriff of the county where the event is to originate.Fishing tournament laws:
Minnesota rules 6212:2400-2800; Minnesota Statutes