Fishing tournament regulations
- Permitted fishing contest means an open-water fishing or ice-fishing contest that requires a permit from the DNR.
- Permitted fishing contest day means a day on a water body where a permitted fishing contest is held. Two permitted fishing contests that are held on the same water body on the same day count as two permitted fishing contest days.
- Large permitted fishing contest means an open-water fishing contest with more than 50 boats or 100 participants that requires a permit from the DNR.
- Established or traditional fishing contest means a fishing contest that was issued permits in 1999 and 2000 or was issued permits four out of five years from 1996 to 2000 for the same lake and time period. Beginning with 2001, established or traditional fishing contests must continue to be conducted at least four out of five years for the same lake and time period to remain established.
- Off-site weigh-in means a weigh-in of fish from a fishing contest at a location that is not adjacent to the waters listed on the fishing contest permit.
- Pre-fishing means fishing by participants of a permitted fishing contest prior to the scheduled dates of the contest on waters listed on the fishing contest permit.
- Participant means a person who is taking part in a fishing contest.
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