How you can help
Keeping track of the nesting and wintering population of the more than 2000 wild trumpeter swans now in Minnesota is no easy task. Rescuing injured or diseased individuals, monitoring breeding success, and protecting nesting pairs from inadvertent human disturbance involves biologists and concerned citizens statewide.
You can help by:- learning the difference between swans and geese
Identification tips. Also see the Trumpeter Swan Society web site; - being able to distinguish trumpeter swan from a tundra swan;
- reporting known nesting sites of trumpeter swans to the DNR Nongame Wildlife Program by calling the DNR Information Center (Make sure to report the date, time and location of the sighting and include information on the color of wing tags, collar or any other markers and codes visible*.); and
- looking for the loon on your tax forms and donating to the Nongame Wildlife Checkoff Fund.
*Birds tagged by
restoration projects are distinguished by the color, code and type of marker they are wearing. The MN DNR, Hennepin Parks and Michigan DNR use orange and green wing tags. Hennepin Parks, Wisconsin DNR, Iowa DNR and Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge in South Dakota use yellow, green and red collars.