MLMP - Results for the Kandiyohi Index Area 1994-2002

Map of Kandiyohi Index Area

The Kandiyohi Index Area is located in the West-Central part of Minnesota, and has had 79 to 103 lakes surveyed per year between 1994 and 2002. Statistical analysis is ongoing, and has been completed through 2001.

In Summary:

  • Loon abundance in the Kandiyohi Index Area ranged from 0.5 - 0.8 adult loons per 100 acres of lake between 1994-2001 (Fig. 1).
  • There are no statistically significant changes in occupancy within the six index areas. Occupancy (likelihood of seeing a loon on a lake) was calculated as 28% - 37% in the Kandiyohi Index Area (Fig. 2), the lowest amongst the Index areas.
  • Reproductive success was calculated as 0.26 - 0.90 juveniles per 2 adult loons in the Kandiyohi Index Area (Fig. 3), with some of the highest rates amongst the six Index Areas.
  • During the study period, the Kandiyohi and Otter Tail index areas were the only Index Areas to exhibit statistically significant increases in goose abundance. Canada Geese ranged from 0 - 13.7 adult geese per 100 acres of lake in the Kandiyohi Index Area between 1994-2001 (Fig. 4).
Graph of Loon Abundance
Figure 1. LOON ABUNDANCE - Adult loons seen per 100 acres of lake surface within the Kandiyohi Index Area.
Graph of Loon Occupancy
Figure 2. LOON OCCUPANCY - Percent of lakes in the Kandiyohi Index Area with any adult loons.
Graph of Loon Reproductive Success
Figure 3. LOON REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS - Juvenile loons for every two adult loons on a lake within the Kandiyohi Index Area.
Graph of Goose Abundance
Figure 4. GOOSE ABUNDANCE - Adult geese seen per 100 acres of lake surface within the Kandiyohi Index Area.
Table 1. Total number of loons, juvenile loons, geese, and juvenile geese observed in 1994 - 2002 in the Kandiyohi Index Area
YearTotal Adult LoonsTotal Juvenile LoonsLakes with Adult LoonsLakes with Juvenile LoonsTotal Adult Canada GeeseTotal Juvenile Canada GeeseTotal # of Lakes Surveyed

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the hundreds of volunteer observers who continue to make the MLMP a success. Without your persistence and hard work, the DNR would be without a means of reporting on the health of our state bird. We and Minnesota's loons appreciate your commitment!

We acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Douglas Hawkins, University of Minnesota, for statistical analysis, and Eric Hanson for the initial design and implementation of the MLMP.

Contact Information for the Kandiyohi Index Area

Lisa Gelvin-Innvaer, Kandiyohi Index Area Coordinator
Minnesota DNR, Nongame Wildlife Program
261 Hwy 15 South
New Ulm, MN 56073
Phone: 507/359-6033
E-mail: [email protected]

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