Did you donate to the Nongame Wildlife Program via the nongame tax checkoff when you filed your state taxes? We want to thank you!
Donations from the nongame tax checkoff make up a majority of our donations. However, we don’t receive information on who donated. We only receive the donation itself.
We want to thank you for your support and let you know how your donations are being used. We use your donations to protect Minnesota’s wildlife, run the EagleCam, and so much more! So we’d like to reach out periodically to tell you about the great work we’re doing thanks to your support. We’d also love for you to meet our staff, many of whom we couldn’t hire without your donations!
Please fill out this contact form in Microsoft Teams to receive occasional letters, stickers, and more.
If you would like to receive e-newsletters from us updating you on our work and how your donations are being used, please sign up for our GovDelivery newsletter Let's Get Wild! or submit your email below.
We also have a Facebook page where we regularly post updates about the work our program is doing and how we use your donations: Minnesota Nongame Wildlife Program Facebook page.
Thank you so much for donating to the Minnesota Nongame Wildlife Program!