Samantha Minkler, Capital Asset Manager
phone: 651-259-5701
phone: 651-259-5701
Management Resources provides leadership for services that are used internally across all areas of the DNR. Management Resources is broadly responsible for asset management and its functions. In this role, MR purchases, designs, constructs, assigns, maintains, repairs and disposes of both capital and fixed assets used in the work of managing natural resources.- Plan, design, construct and maintain facilities
- Administer the department's equipment and fleet program
- Provide materials of all kinds
- Deliver effective health and safety management services
- Claims for damages or injuries
The mission of Management Resources (MR) is to enable natural resources management through leadership, expertise and valued support services. DNR professionals provide expertise, information and equipment in order to facilitate natural resource management anytime, anywhere. Management Resources is a catalyst for innovation and world-class operations.Vision
Experts in Management Resources are the DNR leaders and the preferred partner in providing a safe workplace and managing assets that support natural resource programs.Outcomes
Through the activities of Management Resources, the people of Minnesota benefit in the following ways:- Facilities for public use are safe and accessible
- DNR is positioned to contribute in a significant way to the public safety in Minnesota
- DNR contributes to the exploration and development of design and construction practices that produce environmentally high performance outcomes
- Department employees have immediately available the materials and tools they need to productively and cost-effectively manage the natural resources of the state.
Regional Service Delivery
The bureau delivers coordinated support services at the field level so that divisions can concentrate on resource management. Service is delivered from four regional field offices: Northwest, Northeast, Central, and Southern. From these locations, the bureau contributes to business planning, budgeting, policy development, vendor management, and performance monitoring and reporting. Most Central Office staff is positioned to provide services on a statewide basis to the regions.The bureau also works closely with other state agencies including the Department of Administration (e.g. procurement), Department of Finance (e.g. fleet management), Department of Transportation (e.g. safety), Department of Management and Budget and the Pollution Control Agency.Management Resources has far-reaching relationships with the vendor community. These relationships are partnerships for accomplishing work. Through contracts and other purchasing mechanisms, MR provides material support for the DNR workforce and the underpinning tools of productivity needed to do work or provide public service.Accomplishments
- Reduced miles driven and increased miles-per-gallon fuel economy.
- One of the top 100 government fleets in the nation for the last five years.
- Received Governor's Pollution Prevention Award for energy-saving design of park facilities.
- Reduced facility cost by $500,000 through implementation of a Facility Master Plan.
- Safety leadership demonstrated through online safety training for executives, managers and supervisors.
- Emergency response redesigned, including response protocols, responder training and HSEM emergency training readiness.
- Redesigned warehouse and sign shop product delivery system.
- Held successful and safe equipment auctions.
- Provided leadership for Shared Services design and implementation.