Jenna Covey, Chief Business Technology Officer
tel: 651-259-5476Hal Watson, Deputy Chief Business Technology Officer
tel: 651-297-5508The Minnesota IT Services (MNIT) is responsible for providing the information infrastructure, tools, training and technical support that DNR employees need to make informed business decisions. Major MNIT program areas include:Computer Hardware and Software Procurement
Mark SwensonThe computer hardware and software procurement unit establishes PC, workstation and laptop standards; establishes software standards; and negotiates vendor contracts for hardware and software purchases.Data and Applications
Steve Lime, Manager
tel: 651-259-5473Data and applications staff oversee the development of an integrated information architecture for DNR information systems; define an information systems development environment by establishing design and data standards and development methodologies; build and maintain the DNR web site; provide business analysis, project management and programming services; and develop tools to aid clients in designing and managing their own applications.Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Catherine Hansen, Manager
tel: 651-259-5734The GIS unit provides department-level coordination of GIS planning, data development and access, and application development; GIS hardware and software support; assistance and advice on GIS projects; organization and delivery of GIS training; management of the GIS lab; UNIX administration support; and leadership in state-level interagency GIS planning. GIS information onlineNetwork Services
Stan GruskaNetwork services provides support for the development, maintenance and security of the DNR computer network; general support for department-wide network based applications including GroupWise email and Internet connections; and dial access capabilities.
tel: 651-259-5476Hal Watson, Deputy Chief Business Technology Officer
tel: 651-297-5508The Minnesota IT Services (MNIT) is responsible for providing the information infrastructure, tools, training and technical support that DNR employees need to make informed business decisions. Major MNIT program areas include:Computer Hardware and Software Procurement
Mark SwensonThe computer hardware and software procurement unit establishes PC, workstation and laptop standards; establishes software standards; and negotiates vendor contracts for hardware and software purchases.Data and Applications
Steve Lime, Manager
tel: 651-259-5473Data and applications staff oversee the development of an integrated information architecture for DNR information systems; define an information systems development environment by establishing design and data standards and development methodologies; build and maintain the DNR web site; provide business analysis, project management and programming services; and develop tools to aid clients in designing and managing their own applications.Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Catherine Hansen, Manager
tel: 651-259-5734The GIS unit provides department-level coordination of GIS planning, data development and access, and application development; GIS hardware and software support; assistance and advice on GIS projects; organization and delivery of GIS training; management of the GIS lab; UNIX administration support; and leadership in state-level interagency GIS planning. GIS information onlineNetwork Services
Stan GruskaNetwork services provides support for the development, maintenance and security of the DNR computer network; general support for department-wide network based applications including GroupWise email and Internet connections; and dial access capabilities.