The DNR's updated wolf management plan incorporates the diverse views of Minnesotans and guides the state’s approach to wolf conservation.The wolf plan describes and provides guidance on wolf population monitoring, population management, depredation control, public safety and more. The current plan was finalized in 2022 and will guide wolf management for 10 years.The plan emphasizes cooperation and collaboration with tribal, federal, state and local governments, non-governmental organizations, and other partners.The goals in this plan incorporate the extensive public input and perspectives of Minnesotans about wolves, while adhering to the statutes guiding Minnesota wolf management.
Six goals of the plan:
- Maintain a well-connected and resilient wolf population.
- Collaborate with diverse partners to collectively support wolf plan implementation.
- Minimize and address human-wolf conflicts.
- Inform and engage the public about wolves in Minnesota.
- Conduct research to inform wolf management.
- Administer the wolf program to fulfill agency responsibilities and the needs of the public and partners.
Our process to this plan
- Public opinion survey
- To prepare for the update of the 2001 wolf plan, the DNR, in collaboration with the Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Minnesota, conducted a study from 2019-2020 to assess Minnesotans’ values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors toward wolves and wolf management.Learn about a study that identifies Minnesotans’ attitudes toward wolves and wolf management.
- Advisory committee
- The DNR formed the wolf plan advisory committee to provide input to DNR in updating Minnesota’s wolf management plan by developing recommended wolf management options and preferences, with particular emphasis on controversial aspects of wolf management.The DNR selected committee members who represent diverse perspectives, including hunting and trapping; wolf advocacy and animal rights; livestock and agriculture; forestry, conservation and environmental protection; and local governments.
- Collette Adkins Center for Biological Diversity
- Ellen Candler Minnesota Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
- Christine Coughlin Humane Society of the United States
- Jason Dinsmore National Wildlife Federation/MN Conservation Federation
- Jess Edberg At-large member
- Scott Engle At-large member
- Craig Engwall Minnesota Deer Hunters Association
- Nancy Gibson At-large member
- Miles Kuschel Minnesota Farm Bureau
- Gary Leistico Minnesota Trappers Association
- Travis Luedke At-large member
- Allen Lysdahl Hubbard County Natural Resource Management Department
- Angela McLaughlin At-large member
- Shirley Nordrum At-large member
- Susan Peet At-large member
- Gary Peterson Carlton County commissioner, representing the Association of Minnesota Counties
- Peter Ripka Minnesota Farmers Union
- William Severud Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society
- Jacob Thompson Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association
- Joseph Wolf Howling for Wolves
- Public input
- The DNR update of the 2001 Minnesota Wolf Management Plan relied heavily on engagement and outreach over the course of its development. From its conception, partner engagement, stakeholder participation, public input and the diverse viewpoints of Minnesotans were incorporated using a variety of strategies. To prepare the plan update, the DNR has collected input through:
- Online public comments – comment opportunity was available in the fall of 2020
- Virtual public meetings – events took place in the fall of 2020 for the northwest region; central and southern region, including Twin Cities metro area; and northeast region
- Public attitude survey – completed and available online
- Public/stakeholder advisory committee
- Input from a technical panel of state, federal and tribal wolf experts
- Input on the draft plan.
A full report on engagement and outreach efforts is available in Appendix 1 of the wolf plan. - Background and contact information
- Learn more about wolves in Minnesota and the state’s unique wolf history.Questions about the wolf management plan update can be directed to the DNR’s large carnivore specialist, Dan Stark.