Turkey health study

The project

Map showing turkey permit area 507

2025 study area

The DNR is checking the health of wild turkeys harvested this spring! We are asking turkey hunters from only turkey permit area 507 to submit samples during the spring hunt.

If successful, we hope to expand collections to statewide turkey hunters in 2026.

Direct any questions via email to [email protected]

To participate

  1. Request a sample collection kit, receive it and take it hunting.
  2. Harvest a turkey in permit area 507 during any spring 2025 season.
  3. Collect the requested samples by following the kit instructions.
  4. Return the completed kit.
  5. Receive the test results from your turkey and a project summary.

All testing, shipping, and sample collection supplies are provided at no cost to hunters.

Win a shotgun!

Logo for the National Wild Turkey Federation

All participating hunters will be entered in a raffle to win a Winchester SXP Waterfowl Max7 shotgun offered and donated by the Minnesota Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation.

The drawing will be Friday, Aug. 15, at 5 p.m. during the sponsor dinner for Strutting Black Beards, the White Bear Lake chapter of the NWTF. Hunters who submit a sample for the study do not have to present to win.

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