
Minnesota Statutes,
Section 103G.515, authorize the DNR to inspect dams and issue orders directing dam owners to make necessary repairs. The same section directs the DNR to adopt rules governing dam safety. The specific rules governing Minnesota's Dam Safety Program are parts
6115.0300 through 6115.0520 defining which dams are subject to state jurisdiction and establishing three dam hazard classes.
State dam safety rules apply to dams that are greater than six feet high and could retain more than 15 acre-feet of water (see figure above or
enlarged version ). Smaller structures that don't meet the criteria are exempt from Dam Safety Rules. These structures pose a minimal risk to public safety and property. Public Water Rules may still apply in the construction or maintenance of these smaller structures. Larger dams may be exempt from Dam Safety Rules if there is no potential for loss of life due to failure or improper operation.