For statewide or regional groundwater geochemistry data contact:- Vanessa Baratta, Hydrogeologist, 651-259-5685
- County Well Index database through the Minnesota Well Index application
- Minnesota Geospatial Commons
- MPARS: MNDNR Permitting and Reporting System
- Web Soil Survey - Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Minnesota Geological Survey County Geologic Atlas
Atlas User Guides
Pollution sensitivity
- Definition of pollution sensitivity
- Procedure for Determining Buried Aquifer and Bedrock Surface Pollution Sensitivity based on Cumulative Fine-grained Sediment (CFGS) Thickness, GW-02: January 2016, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
- Methods to Estimate Near-Surface Pollution Sensitivity, GW-03: ;March 2016, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
- Archived method: Procedure for Determining Near-Surface Pollution Sensitivity, v.2.1, 2014.
- Criteria and guidelines for assessing geologic sensitivity of ground water resources in Minnesota: 1991, Geologic Sensitivity Workgroup, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 122 p. Original printed document scanned December 2003. A few pages contain minor clarifications of the original text.
- Geological sensitivity assessment of groundwater systems–a pilot Study for Scott County, Minnesota–summary and evaluation: 1998, by Pfannkuch, H.O., Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota, 61 p.
Karst- Minnesota Regions Prone to Surface Karst Feature Development, GW-01: 2016, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
- Minnesota Spring Inventory Guidance Document provides a framework for statewide MSI data gathering and processing for the DNR, Minnesota Geological Survey, and the University of Minnesota.
- Methods for Estimating Water-Table Elevation and Depth to Water Table, GW-04: April 2016, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Residence time
- Residence times of Minnesota ground waters: 1989, by Alexander, S.C., and Alexander, E.C., Jr., Minnesota Academy of Sciences Journal, v. 55, no. 1, p. 48-52.
- Carbon-14 age dating calculations for Minnesota groundwaters: 2018, by Alexander, S.C., Alexander, E.C., Jr., Available online from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy.
- Tritium Age Classification: Revised Method for Minnesota, GW-05: December 2020, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Minnesota Department of Health.
- Minnesota Geological Survey
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
- Minnesota Geospatial Information Office
- USGS Minnesota Water Science Center
Special studies
- Groundwater Provinces:
Summary of aquifer and groundwater resource differences at the regional level. - Groundwater and the Mt. Simon Aquifer:
- Video: Part 1 and Part 2
A primer on groundwater and an explanation of the results of a study of groundwater usage in a major water supply aquifer that serves the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and southeastern Minnesota. - Report: Phase 1 and Phase 2
South-Central Minnesota Groundwater Monitoring of the Mt. Simon Aquifer.
- Video: Part 1 and Part 2
- Buried Sand and Gravel Aquifers of the Breckenridge/Wahpeton Area, Minnesota and North Dakota (2012)
- Hydraulic Impacts of Quarries and Gravel Pits (2005)
- Hydrogeology of the Rock River watershed, Minnesota and associated off-channel habitats of the Topeka shiner
- Impacts of Sand and Gravel Mining in the Felton Prairie Fen Area on Down Gradient Calcareous Fens (2002)
- Ground Water Hydrology of Lac Qui Parle County, Minnesota (1983)
- Shallow Buried Aquifers of Murray County (January 2002)
- Ground Water in Alluvial Channel Deposits - Nobles County, Minnesota (Bulletin No. 14, September 1960)
- Ground Water Hydrology of Swift County, Minnesota (1980)