Eligible Lands
- 54 counties currently enrolled. WIA County map.
- Hunting is allowed during legal seasons between September 1 and May 31.
- Landowners are afforded liability protection through the Recreational Use Statutes. Specifically under Sections 604A.20 through 604A.27 under Public Benefit or Function Activities in the CIVIL LIABILITY LIMITATIONS Chapter
- Must be at least 40 acres in size or it must be contiguous with another WIA parcel that is 40 acres or more in size.
- Priority is given to lands enrolled in a conservation program such as the federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) or the state Reinvest in Minnesota Reserve program (RIM), or other state and federal conservation programs.
- Lands not enrolled in a conservation program may be eligible if high quality natural cover exists and is maintained by the landowner.
- Lands within 500 feet of a home or corral occupied by livestock cannot be enrolled, unless they are occupied by the cooperator or his/her livestock.
- The enrolled parcel must be accessible from a public road.
- The habitat must be maintained through the enrollment period.
- Landowners, or the State, may terminate the contract at any time (effective 30 days after written notice of termination is received).
Printable 2025 MN Walk-In Program Fact SheetTo find out more information about enrolling land in the Walk-In Access program, please call your local Soil and Water Conservation District office (SWCD).
SWCD contact info