Forest tent caterpillar Fact Sheet
The forest tent caterpillar is a Minnesota native that feeds on (defoliates) the leaves of various hardwood trees and shrubs, including aspen, birch, basswood, and oak.Forest tent caterpillars are often mistakenly called armyworms because they congregate in groups to feed. Despite the common name of tent caterpillar, they do not make tents or webs but make silk mats they rest on during molting.Forest tent caterpillar population outbreaks happen every 10-16 years and may last two to four years. When there is a large outbreak, thousands of caterpillars congregate on trees and buildings from late May to mid-June, defoliating trees and creating a nuisance, making outdoor activities unpleasant and sometimes causing slippery conditions as caterpillars migrate across roads.According to normal predictions, an outbreak of forest tent caterpillars was expected beginning in 2013. There was a relatively small population increase in 2013, but it didn’t become what is usually considered an outbreak. Based on forest tent caterpillar population dynamics, the next population peak may occur between 2023 and 2029 (assuming a true population peak occurred in 2013). Find detailed accounts of damaged acres in the Forest Health Annual Reports. In the last 120 years, populations peaked in 1891, 1898, 1912, 1922, 1937, 1952, 1969, 1978, 1990, and 2001. In 2001, more than 7.5 million acres of hardwoods were defoliated, the most ever recorded in Minnesota.Forest tent caterpillar peak years 1937–2001
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