Instagram Photo Release Information


Hello! Thanks for considering allowing Minnesota State Parks and Trails to use your photos. Below you will find the terms of our Instagram photo release. The main points of the release are:

  • Your photo/s are awesome, we'd love to share them on our social media, website, maybe even our newsletter and more
  • You will always maintain ownership and copyright of your photos
  • Us sharing your photos is not an endorsement of your account
  • You are the sole owner of the photos and you are giving permission for us to use them
  • You agree not to sue us for sharing your photos—thanks!

The full terms are written below. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We hope to collaborate with you soon!


Photo Release Terms and Conditions


By using the hashtag #YesMNStateParks, you grant the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) and its partners unlimited use of all content provided, including but not limited to websites, emails, social media outlets, print publications and promotional materials. The MNDNR reserves the right to edit submitted materials to fit size, space and other requirements of different mediums, as determined by the MNDNR.


You shall retain copyright and self-promotional rights. You retain the right to reproduce, in whole or in part, in every manner or form, and circulate, publish, distribute, show, play or otherwise display the content provided.

Name and likeness

The MNDNR may use your name and likeness in any of the above mediums in connection with said content (photos/videos/etc). Any people who are identifiable in the content must give consent to use their image or likeness in MNDNR marketing materials. People identifiable in the content may provide such consent by also using the hashtag #YesMNStateParks, which shall obligate them to the applicable terms and conditions described herein. 

Shares ≠ endorcements

You agree that use of content by the MNDNR does not constitute an endorsement of any kind.


Content provided under this agreement must represent locations within Minnesota state limits. You represent and warrant that: (a) all content is of original development and is not the property of any other party; (b) you are the sole creator of the work; (c) the work does not violate any rules, laws or regulations and is not libelous, unlawful or injurious; (d) you are 18 years of age or older; and (e) you have the authority and capacity to agree to the terms and conditions described herein.

 Release MNDNR

You agree to not sue and to indemnify, save, and hold the MNDNR, its agents, and its employees harmless from any claims, causes of action, or damages arising from use of the content, including attorney’s fees incurred by MNDNR. You understand that you will not be compensated for the content provided. You waive the right to approve or control how the content will be used by the MNDNR. You understand that any use of content is solely at the MNDNR’s discretion and that you are not due any credit, acknowledgement or compensation in connection with this license or use of the content.


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