Why we plan
Minnesota Statute Section 86A.09 requires the DNR to prepare a master plan for each state park, state recreation area and state trail.Parks and Trails staff typically prepare management plans for state parks and state recreation areas, and master plans for state trails.Amendments to park and trail master plans are prepared to accommodate new facilities or activities or expansion of parks or trails. Park and trail plans and amendments are developed through an open public process, in partnership with local communities, park and trail users, and interested citizens.The planning section also provides a variety of services and products for the division and the public. Among other activities, planning helps the division to address current trends and design processes that engage the public and key stakeholders.Planning supports division decision making through research and analysis. Strategic plans establish policies and priorities for our own projects.The division also provides technical assistance to local units of government and other agencies regarding state park, state trail, and water recreation planning issues.