Park accessibility improvements

Exciting updates are coming to the park!


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A number of accessibility improvements and amenity updates are underway at William O'Brien State Park. This project includes facility upgrades that will make the park more accessible to visitors with disabilities, and will provide updated amenities for all park visitors to enjoy.

Construction is now underway, and the lower portion of the park, including all areas east of Hwy. 95, are closed through spring 2025. The majority of the park remains open. A summary of improvements:

Walter F. Mondale Day Use Area

  • Two new accessible restroom buildings 

  • New picnic shelter near Lake Alice beach with accessible picnic tables 

  • Accessibility improvements at two existing picnic shelters, including routing, grills and new vault toilets

  • Safer parking lot with better beach access

  • Larger, more accessible swimming beach, including an ADA-compliant route down to the water’s edge

  • New accessible canoe/kayak launch on Lake Alice

Riverway Campground 

  • Shower building upgrades, including a variety of ADA-compliant fixtures and parking

  • Upgrades to create six ADA-compliant camp sites 

  • Resurfaced Riverside Trail

  • New accessible route to the park amphitheater

  • Resurfacing and regrading overflow parking and trail connections

Ranger Station

  • Added accessible parking 

  • ADA-compliant outdoor service counter and windows

  • New automatic door openers  

This project is funded in part by the Get Out MORE (modernizing outdoor recreation experiences) appropriation.

Reopening Dates Set

The Walter F. Mondale Day Use Area, including the public water access, beach and Riverside Trail, is scheduled to reopen on May 1, 2025. New restroom buildings in the day use area may not be ready to open on May 1, but vault toilets will be open.

The Riverway Campground and Riverside Group Camp will reopen on Friday, May 2, 2025 and will offer rustic camping with vault toilets only during the month of May. The renovated shower building in the Riverway Campground is planned to reopen June 1. Reservations are available now for camping dates on May 2 or later. 

Map of construction area

Click to enlarge map
of construction area

Map of improvements

Click to enlarge map
of coming improvements

What areas remain open to visitors during construction?
Plenty of recreation opportunities will remain available at the park during construction, including all parts of the park that are west of Highway 95. You'll still be able to access:

  • Camping and lodging, including the Savanna campground, the Wedge Hill group camp, and the camper cabins;
  • Most of the park's 17.4 miles of hiking trails, including the summer Hiking Club Trail;
  • And the park office and interpretive center.
What is closed to visitors during construction?
Reservations for picnic shelters and the Riverside and Riverway campgrounds will not be available while construction is underway. The lower portion of the park – near Lake Alice – is closed, including:

  • Mondale Day Use Area, including the Lake Alice public water access, swimming beach, parking lot and picnic shelters;
  • Riverway campground;
  • Riverside group camp;
  • Riverside Trail;
  • And the amphitheater.

Construction began the week of March 11, 2024.

Is there access to the St. Croix River during construction?
The public water access at William O'Brien State Park was closed for the 2024 boating season. It will reopen on May 1, 2025 when the Walter F. Mondale Day Use Area reopens. 

Maps showing alternate boat landings can be found on the National Park Service's Lower St. Croix River website. Section maps include:

An interactive map of the full St. Croix River National Scenic Riverway is also available.

How does this project fit with the park's management plan?
Management plans provide a long-term strategic vision for parks and guide the development of facilities and management of resources. The William O’Brien State Park Management Plan was completed in 2008 with input from a Citizens Advisory Committee, a Technical Advisory Team, and the public.

It often takes many years to see the vision of management plans come to fruition. This project is an opportunity to implement several of the recommendations from the plan, including a new layout for the day use area, improved campsite amenities and resolving safety issues on some trails.

Why are accessibility updates needed?
Many facilities in the state parks and trails system are aging and do not comply with current state or federal accessibility standards or best practices. We are continually making improvements to make our parks and trails more accessible as funding allows. The research is clear, time spent in the outdoors has great health and wellness benefits, and it's a priority of the DNR to make our parks and trails accessible to all people who want to enjoy the benefits of outdoor recreation.
How is this project being funded?
This project is funded primarily through regular state bonding funds, with additional funds provided by last year’s Get Out MORE (Modernize Outdoor Recreation Experiences) appropriation. Get Out More is a historic, one-time investment of $150 million to help ensure Minnesotans of all abilities and interests enjoy a world-class recreation system, whichever outdoor experience they choose.

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