A better way to do business
Shared Services is a widely-used business management system that enables core services to be provided on behalf of an entire organization.DNR's Shared Services model is an integrated, cost-effective approach to delivering internal financial, budget, capital investment, human resources, planning, and communication and outreach services.Our focus is adding value to DNR operations and modeling "a better way to do business" for the state of Minnesota.Benefits of Shared Services
There are many benefits to the Shared Services approach, including:- Providing clarity on services, and enhancing DNR's focus on customer service.
- Building the capacity for innovation by providing a more flexible and responsive business environment.
- Maximizing cost-effectiveness by eliminating duplication of effort.
- Increasing efficiency by examining and streamlining processes.
Shared Services is a success. Learn more:(Click on topic below to reveal more information. Click again to hide.)
- Human Resources – Hiring Veterans
- DNR Guide to Hiring and Retaining Military/Veteran Personnel:As part of the DNR’s ongoing efforts to attract military and veteran personnel, the HR team launched a project to establish consistent interview and hiring processes for veterans who apply for DNR jobs, and to assist, encourage and support the hiring of veterans. The project developed training and provided resources for managers and supervisors on veteran hiring including a guide to hiring and retaining military/veteran personnel.The guide, available on the DNR intranet, includes resources to translate military skills to DNR jobs, interviewing techniques appropriate to veterans, and guidance for training for hiring veteran and military staff. The guide also includes FAQs for hiring veterans, veteran hiring laws, resume review and interviewing tips, helpful links, and a rank translator. In the first few weeks, the intranet page had over 80 views and we expect that number to increase significantly during hiring seasons. The next steps will focus on developing additional online training, external web resources and live learning sessions, including a website for veterans on how to translate their military skills and apply for state positions.
- Communications and Outreach – One Call
- *DNR One Call: The One Call project is a three-year Commissioner’s Office effort that was initiated in April 2016. It supports our Conservation that Works 3.0 goal to improve our customers’ experience with the DNR by providing callers easy access to our information. Customer service improvements we’ve applied to the Info Center:
- Rebuilt the center to mirror the work environment of other professional call centers in the metro area.
- Expanded service hours to 64 hours a week starting in November 2016 (8-8 Monday-Friday, 9-1 on Saturday).
- Improved our staff training, updated call trees, standardized protocols, and created new procedures for the warm hand-off of calls to other staff when necessary.
- Management Resources – Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency and Nonrenewable: DNR launched its efforts to develop solar processes before the state’s current solar building boom. Projects in state parks and other visible sites are helping to make this technology familiar and normal. We also developed the EnergySmart website to help make the costs and performance of solar power much more transparent.We are seeing some tangible changes that reflect the management of energy by DNR – our facilities used nearly 15% less energy in 2016 than in 2010. These changes, coupled with the greening of the electric grid, have driven our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions down by almost 25% in the same time. DNR reports those emissions publicly through the Climate Registry. Additionally, we finalized a Guaranteed Energy Savings Program* contract that enabled DNR to access $790,000 in financing, $96,000 in utility incentives to invest in LED lighting upgrades at six facilities, and fund approximately 40 kilowatts of solar power at R3 Headquarters Office.*The Guaranteed Energy Savings Program (GESP) promotes awareness and implementation of energy efficient and renewable energy measures in public facilities in Minnesota. Using GESP funding allows us to make a meaningful improvement in the environmental performance of DNR operations, while preserving facility maintenance and asset preservation funding to ensure that urgent facilities maintenance and repairs can be completed. These projects will save 1,500 million BTUs per year (the equivalent of one and a half tanker trucks of gasoline).
Key documents
Operational Order 122 - This document defines Shared Services' governance framework.Biennial Shared Services Report - Reporting and evaluation ensures fiscal integrity, disciplined decision-making and sound business practices. Service Level Agreements (SLAs)The Commissioner of Natural Resources sets the types and levels of shared services through SLAs between the Commissioner and the Operations Services Division.Contact Information
To learn more about the DNR's Shared Services system, and to locate resources on how to develop and implement your own system, please contact Marcia Honold, Planning Director, DNR.