Wildlife species clinics


  • Classes are 3 hours each.
  • Check currently scheduled classes listed below.
  • A USB Flash Drive for information on Black Bear is free of charge and is available by calling (800) 366-8917


  • A DNR fee of $5 is collected by the instructor. The instructor may collect up to an additional $5 to cover room rental or other costs associated with the class.

General Information

Clinics for black bear and wild turkey are held for an opportunity to learn about the biology and behavior of these species.

For more information, contact the advanced hunter education program at (800) 366-8917.



To view detailed information about a class or field day, click on its title.

Scroll table right to see more »
04/04/25Wildlife Species Clinic - TurkeyGrand RapidsItasca
04/12/25Wildlife Species Clinic - TurkeyMankatoBlue Earth

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