Buffalo Lake: Meet the Owners

The Wagner property showing lawn down to the lakeshore

Ray and Mavis Wagner are lakeshore owners at Buffalo Lake in Becker County, just north of the city of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

The Wagners own a 3-acre pie-shaped lot with 166 feet of lakeshore frontage.

They describe the situation they had at Buffalo Lake.

headphone icon, Mavis Wagner closeup Mavis Wagner talks about creating a buffer zone.

headphone icon, Ray Wagner closeup Ray Wagner discusses how they used the shoreline.

Problems and Challenges

A flock of over seventy geese had become a nuisance.

Because the geese were enjoying the yard as much as the Wagners, Ray and Mavis decided to stop mowing a portion of their turf lawn to re-create a natural buffer zone.

In this case, it is a "make the unwanted guest feel uncomfortable" approach.

headphone icon, Ray Wagner closeup Ray Wagner: All those geese and no golden egg.

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