The Rare Species Guide is a dynamic, interactive resource for information on Minnesota's endangered, threatened and special concern species. You can make the Rare Species Guide even better by taking this short survey.
Minnesota's Endangered Species Statute requires the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to adopt rules designating species meeting the statutory definitions of endangered, threatened, or species of special concern. The resulting List of Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Species is codified as Minnesota Rules, Chapter 6134 . The Endangered Species Statute also authorizes the DNR to adopt rules that regulate treatment of species designated as endangered and threatened. These regulations are codified as Minnesota Rules, Parts 6212.1800 to 6212.2300 .Minnesota's Endangered Species Statute and the associated Rules impose a variety of restrictions, a permit program, and several exemptions pertaining to species designated as endangered or threatened. A person may not take, import, transport, or sell any portion of an endangered or threatened species. However, these acts may be allowed by permit issued by the DNR; plants on certain agricultural lands and plants destroyed in consequence of certain agricultural practices are exempt; and the accidental, unknowing destruction of designated plants is exempt. Species of special concern are not protected by Minnesota's Endangered Species Statute or the associated Rules. Persons are advised to read the full text of the Statute and Rules in order to understand all regulations pertaining to species that are designated as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern.Note that the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 , as amended (16 USC 1531 - 1544) requires the U.S. Department of the Interior to identify species as endangered or threatened according to a separate set of definitions, and imposes a separate set of restrictions pertaining to those species. Search here to see the federal status of species. Also check the list of Minnesota's Federally-Listed Threatened, Endangered, Proposed, and Candidate Species' County Distribution .