*RSG - Animals listed on the Rare Species Guide
by John J. Moriarty
Published by the Nongame Wildlife Program.Books may be borrowed through your public library, or purchased at your favorite bookstore.
Frogs and toads
- About frogs and toads
- MN Frog and Toad Calling Survey
- Where frogs and toads live
- Shapes and sizes
- Frog and toad opera
- Where to hear frog and toad calls
- Saving frogs and toads
- Frog and toad resources
- Blanchard's cricket frog *RSG
- Cope's gray treefrog
- Gray treefrog
- Spring peeper
- Western chorus/Boreal chorus frog
- Blue-spotted salamander
- Eastern red-backed salamander
- Four-toed salamander *RSG
- Mudpuppy *RSG
- Spotted salamander *RSG
- Tiger salamander
- Eastern newt
- Helping turtles across the road
- Blanding's turtle *RSG
- False map turtle
- Northern map turtle
- Ouachita map turtle
- Painted turtle
- Smooth softshell turtle *RSG
- Snapping turtle *RSG
- Spiny softshell turtle
- Wood turtle *RSG
Additional Turtle Resources
Turtles and Turtle Watching for the North Central Statesby John J. Moriarty
Published by the Nongame Wildlife Program.Books may be borrowed through your public library, or purchased at your favorite bookstore.
Snakes and lizards Booklet
- Snakes and Lizards of Minnesota - 72 page identification and information booklet (10.2 MB)
- Brown snake
- Bullsnake (Gophersnake) *RSG
- Common garter snake
- Eastern hognose snake
- Lined snake *RSG
- Milk snake
- North American Racer (Blue racer) *RSG
- Northern water snake
- Plains garter snake
- Plains hog-nosed snake *RSG
- Ratsnake *RSG
- Redbelly snake
- Ringneck snake
- Smooth green snake (Grass snake)
- Western Fox snake