New reports
New online data reports are now available that were not available in past years, making a biennial Water Year Data Summary Report redundant:Monthly Hydrologic ConditionsThe report places current values of precipitation, stream flows, lake levels, and groundwater levels in a historical context.

Published at the end of 2010 (and every 5 years after that), this report reviews the current state of our water resources relative to the quantities and trends of our water supplies.Lake level summaries
One important element of the more recent online versions of the report include the extensive lake level summaries tables, which display fluctuations, spring and fall elevations, ranges, reported highest and lowest lake levels and their dates, and averages for selected lakes grouped by county. Because these summaries are not included in the two reports listed above, we intend to provide them separately. Tables from the 2009 report.Ground Water: County Atlas - Regional Assessment Program
This program produces maps and reports depicting Minnesota's groundwater resources' characteristics and pollution sensitivity.DNR LakeFinder
Get information for over 1,400 individual lakes. Users are able to see a summary, reported highest and lowest lake levels, and 10-year graphs, as well as download historical water levels.