- The objectives, methods, background information, step-by-step instructions, and ideas for expanding the lesson are stated in each activity.
- Activities are hands-on and can be used for indoor and outdoor learning. They also include STEM, NGSS, and Common Core correlations.
- Guides have cross-referencing index of activities by grade level, subject area, skill, setting and topic.
- No special background knowledge or equipment is needed. The interdisciplinary nature of the activities allows them to be easily integrated with existing curriculum.
Click on any of the guides below to find out what you can expect out of these different workshops!
Growing Up Wild
(3-7 year olds)
Project Wild
(K-12 wildlife and habitat)
Aquatic Wild
(K-12 aquatic wildlife and habitat)
Flying Wild
(Middle school: building toward a bird festival)
New Online Training Available
Project WILD educational materials (guides) are available to those who attend instructional 3-6 hour workshops offered by certified leaders (Facilitators). These workshops give teachers, naturalists, scout leaders and other environmental educators tools to apply within their own classroom or program, including the activity guide.Although we are unable to provide in-person workshops at this time, we do offer new online resources for those interested in getting trained in Project WILD and Growing Up WILD via Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA). Each course is $20 per person. The books are priced separately. Project WILD online course (K-12 educators) This self-paced course will take you through six Project WILD activities. Through readings, videos, and hands-on components, you will become familiar with Project WILD pedagogy and comfortable using the guide. As a student in this course, it is expected that you: Can commit approximately 10 hours to complete readings, assessments, and assignments. Complete Lessons 1-5 and their associated assessments. Recommended for computer, laptop or tablet.
Growing Up WILD online course (Pre-K educators and leaders) This self-paced course will take you through three activities from the Growing Up WILD guide (ages 3-7 yrs). As a student in this course, it is expected that you: Can commit approximately 10 hours to complete readings, videos, assessments, and assignments. You will learn about the history, pedagogy, and hands-on nature of our activities. You will see examples of educators implementing activities and children learning in an outdoor setting. Complete Lessons 1-4 and their associated assessments. Recommended for computer, laptop or tablet.
For more information and to sign up for courses, contact:
[email protected]
- The cost for the Project WILD online course is $20.00.
- The cost for the Project WILD guide is $30.52.
Growing Up WILD online course (Pre-K educators and leaders) This self-paced course will take you through three activities from the Growing Up WILD guide (ages 3-7 yrs). As a student in this course, it is expected that you: Can commit approximately 10 hours to complete readings, videos, assessments, and assignments. You will learn about the history, pedagogy, and hands-on nature of our activities. You will see examples of educators implementing activities and children learning in an outdoor setting. Complete Lessons 1-4 and their associated assessments. Recommended for computer, laptop or tablet.
- The cost for the Growing Up WILD online course is $20.00.
- The cost for the Growing Up WILD guide is $26.00
For more information and to sign up for courses, contact:
[email protected]