Wetland habitat

Wetland habitat.Seek expert advice and help when considering wetland habitat enhancement and restoration. You'll be doing things right , following all regulations and significantly improving your chances for success.

All wetlands provide habitat for certain sets of wildlife species. Like the alteration of any habitat, changes are likely to improve the habitat for some species and degrade it for others.

Landowner assistance

  • Pheasants Forever's Farm Bill biologist program is designed to educate farmers and landowners about the benefits of conservation programs, as well as assist those landowners after programs have been implemented. We call it the ‘One Stop Shop’ for anything conservation and wildlife-related on private lands.
  • Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores and manages wetlands and associated habitat for North America''s waterfowl. All the organization's conservation activities involve private land to some degree. Please contact DU's biologist to inquire how they can help you.
    • Central Minnesota: John Lindstrom; c/o USFWS Litchfield Wetland Management District Office; 22274 615 Ave.; Litchfield, MN 55355; [email protected]
    • Southern Minnesota: Kassy Dumke; c/o USFWS Windom Wetland Management District Office; 49633 County Road 17; Windom, MN 56101; [email protected]


Wood ducks swimming at Minnesota's Gun Lake Wildlife Management Area. Photo by Chuck Kartak.

Wood ducks swimming at Minnesota's Gun Lake Wildlife Management Area. Photo by Chuck Kartak.

  • Delta Waterfowl: Good management is based on sound science. That philosophy has been Delta Waterfowl's foundation since Aldo Leopold first advised Delta’s early conservation leadership. Learn how wetlands can work for you.
  • Build a wood duck box: This box, can provide a nesting place for wood ducks, buffleheads, barrow's goldeneyes, common goldeneyes, hooded mergansers and common mergansers, all of which are cavity-nesting ducks.
  • Hen houses: Delta Waterfowl hen houses are the most cost-effective tool to increase mallard production. Targeted to areas of the highest mallard breeding density, Hen houses consistently boost nest success to more than 60 percent and commonly to 80 percent — even in areas where ground-nesting mallards typically achieve nest success of less than 10 percent.

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