PolyMet's NorthMet Mining Project

Preapplication public informational meeting

On April 19, 2016 the DNR hosted a public informational meeting, as required before PolyMet can apply for a Permit to Mine. At the meeting, the DNR gave an overview of the proposed mining project and the process for reviewing a nonferrous Permit to Mine application.

Please see the Minnesota Rules, section 6132.1100, for more information on the steps an applicant needs to fulfill before submitting an application, as well as what an application should contain.

The meeting took place on Tuesday April 19, 2016, at the Mesabi East High School in Aurora, MN.

A formal presentation was given by the Director of the DNR's Lands and Minerals Division at 6:30, and an open house was held throughout the meeting from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.

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Meeting summary

The meeting is:The meeting is not:
The meeting includes a DNR presentation to provide an overview of the proposed mining project and the permit to mine process.The meeting is not an opportunity to review or discuss permit applications. Project permit applications have not yet been submitted.
The meeting provides a brief summary of the other state permits that may be required for the project.The meeting is not an opportunity to offer formal public comment on permits, there will be future opportunities to both obtain information about the applications and review and comment on draft permits.
The meeting is an open house style opportunity to ask questions to State agency staff and PolyMet representatives about the permit to mine process and other permit processes.The meeting is not a venue for commenting on the Environmental Review process or on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Questions and answers

Provided below are questions and answers about the preapplication public informational meeting
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What is the preapplication public informational meeting?

Prior to the submittal of an application for a Permit to Mine (PTM), the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), with assistance of the applicant, is required to hold a public informational meeting. The meeting serves as a venue to provide an overview of the proposed mining project and permit to mine process.

Who is invited to the preapplication public informational meeting?

In addition to the MDNR, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), the Environmental Quality Board (EQB), and the local unit of government are invited to participate in the meeting. Any member of the public may attend the meeting, and a notice of the meeting was published at least 30 days prior using the State Register, the EQB Monitor, and a local newspaper.

What happens during this preapplication public informational meeting?

As mentioned above, this meeting serves as an opportunity to provide an overview of the proposed mining project and permit to mine process. The meeting includes a short presentation on these topics. There will also be an open house style opportunity to ask questions to State agency staff and PolyMet representatives about the permit to mine process and other permit processes.

Is this meeting part of the Environmental Review process?

No, this meeting serves to provide an overview of the Permit to Mine process, and is not part of the Environmental Review process.

Is there a permit to mine application to review?

The permit to mine rules require that the public informational meeting occur prior to the applicant submitting their permit to mine application. PolyMet has not submitted a permit to mine application. PolyMet has also not submitted any other permit applications to other state agencies prior to this meeting.

Will the public be able to provide comments at this meeting?

The public may ask questions on the permitting process during the open house venue of the meeting. Participants will also have the opportunity to sign up for email notifications regarding the permitting process. No formal public comment on permits will be taken at this meeting. There will be future opportunities to both obtain information about the applications and review and comment on draft permits.

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