Permit for the Take of Endangered or Threatened Species
On November 1, 2018, the DNR issued an endangered and threatened species takings permit for the Poly Met Mining, Inc. (PolyMet) NorthMet mining project. Minnesota’s Endangered Species Law prohibits the take of endangered or threatened plants or animals without a permit from the DNR. The DNR’s Division of Ecological and Water Resources manages these permits. This includes takings that are due to a development project, such as the NorthMet Mining Project.Applications are considered when the proposer provides justification that all alternatives to the proposed take have been considered and rejected, and that the taking is unavoidable. Permits, if issued, must include compensatory mitigation that will result in a net benefit to the species taken, and must be approved by the DNR Commissioner.Please follow the link for more information on the DNR’s
Endangered and Threatened Species Permits process.
Permit for the Take of Endangered or Threatened Species and Findings of Fact
Public Waters Work Permit
On November 1, 2018, the DNR issued a public waters work permit for the Poly Met Mining, Inc. (PolyMet) NorthMet mining project. The DNR Public Waters Work Permit Program applies to those lakes, wetlands, and streams identified on
DNR Public Water Inventory maps. Proposed projects affecting the course, current, or cross-section of these water bodies may require a Public Waters Work Permit from the DNR and permits from other agencies.Under
Minnesota Statute 103G.245, Subdivision 1 (except as provided in Subdivisions 2, 11, and 12), the state, a political subdivision of the state, a public or private corporation, or a person, must have a DNR Public Waters Work Permit to:
- construct, reconstruct, remove, abandon, transfer ownership of, or make any change in a reservoir, dam, or waterway obstruction on public waters; or
- change or diminish the course, current, or cross section of public waters, entirely or partially within the state, by any means, including filling, excavating, or placing of materials in or on the beds of public waters.
The DNR completed its comprehensive review of the company’s public waters work permit application. This draft permit is for a culvert extension to widen Dunka Road, the connecting road between the NorthMet plant site and mine site.DNR accepted written public comments on the draft dam safety permits from September 15, 2017 until October 16, 2017. This public comment period is now closed.PolyMet’s public waters work permit, along with supporting documentation, can be found below.
Public Waters Work Permit and Findings of Fact
- Historic Permitting Information
Permit Application for the Take of Endangered or Threatened Species
Sensitive Plant Species Survey Report
In accordance with Minnesota Statute 84.0872, the application and survey report are redacted to exclude nonpublic data, such as specific locations of endangered or threatened species.Draft Public Waters Work Permit and Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet - Draft Public Waters Work Permit Fact Sheet (1 MB) »Public Waters Work Permit Applications