- General Pollinator Information
- The University of Minnesota Bee Lab
- The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
- Pollinator-friendly Planting Resources
- Native plant suppliers, landscapers, and restoration consultants for Minnesota
- Plant lists from Minnesota photographer/landscaper Heather Holm
- Plants for Bees and other Pollinators from the University of Minnesota
- Pollinator Toolbox and Lawns to Legumes program from the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
- Minnesota DNR Pollinator Best Management Practices and Habitat Restoration Guidelines
- Minnesota DNR's printable booklet for large-scale pollinator habitat projects (formatted for two-sided printing on 8.5" x 14" paper)
- Community Science Opportunities
- Minnesota Bumble Bee Atlas from the University of Minnesota
- Integrated Monarch Monitoring Project from Monarch Joint Venture (national)
- Monarch Watch (international)
- Bumble Bee Watch (national)
- Backyard Bumble Bee Count (national)
- The Great Sunflower Project (national)
- Wild Bee Identification
- Bee ID from the University of Minnesota
- Books from Minnesota photographer/landscaper Heather Holm
- The Bee Short Course for Community Scientists