The Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Task Force brought together a diverse set of outdoor recreation stakeholders and interests in Minnesota to build support for outdoor recreation across multiple sectors. The purpose of the task force was to consider (1) how to bring measured growth, increased and equitable access, and a higher quality of outdoor recreation opportunities to Minnesotans and visitors and (2) how to organize and implement this collaborative work going forward. The resulting product is a set of recommendations to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Explore Minnesota. The task force developed recommendations based on task force deliberations and input from the public.
- Recommendations
From April 2020 to March 2021, the Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Task Force worked to develop a set of recommendations intended to support accessible and equitable outdoor recreation across multiple sectors as well as build a stronger outdoor recreation community in Minnesota. The Task Force identified three key action areas and recommended the creation of an Office of Outdoor Recreation to accomplish them. The key action areas are:
- Increase participation to advance equity, diversity and inclusivity
- Unite Minnesota’s outdoor recreation community
- Unify communications amongst Minnesota's diverse outdoor recreation sector
- Public input
The task force collected public feedback from January 25 through February 15 on the draft recommendations. The Task Force used the feedback to refine the recommendations before officially submitting them to the DNR and Explore Minnesota.
- Task Force structure and responsibilities
The Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Task Force consisted of 21 members who were selected by the DNR and Explore Minnesota in consultation with the Governor’s Office following an open application process. . Members of the task force represented a broad and inclusive group of interests related to the outdoor recreation sector in Minnesota.
- Previous meeting materials
March 24 Meeting Material:
February 19 Meeting Material:
January 13 Meeting Material:
November 13 Meeting Materials
- Agenda
- Meeting recording, and transcript
- Meeting notes
- Draft recommendations by category:
October 21 Meeting Materials
September 21 Meeting Materials
August 27 Meeting Materials
August 26 Meeting Materials
July 20 and 21 Meeting Materials
- Agenda
- Slide deck
- Meeting recording and Transcript from July 20, 20 Meeting
- Meeting recording and Transcript from July 21, 20 Meeting
- Meeting notes
May 18 Meeting Materials
- Agenda
- Slide deck, meeting recording (MP4 file, 97 MB) and transcript
- Meeting notes
April 28 Meeting Materials
- Agenda
- Meeting notes
- Meeting recording (MP4 file, 124 MB) and transcript
- Questions?
- For questions about the task force, please email