Native Shoreland Buffer Incentives

This project inspired many unique partnerships. At the local level, the project partners were:

  • Steve Henry at the East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District,
  • Mary Blickenderfer at the University of Minnesota Extension Service also representing the Itasca Water Legacy Partnership
These partners became the face of the initiative on the front line working with landowners to deliver messaging and install buffers, which is the climax of the project. They provided creative solutions, advice on local conditions, and were the driving force in the implementation of local components of the project. In order to implement the project components, they forged additional local partnerships with groups such as: lake associations, Central Lakes College, a private marketing firm and University of Minnesota Master Gardeners.

  • Dr. Karlyn Eckman at the Water Resources Center at the University of Minnesota - Dr. Eckman's participation lies at the heart of why this project is groundbreaking. She provides expertise in the design and administering of the KAP surveys (Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices) and assists the local partners in interpreting the results of the first KAP study in order to design appropriate incentives. Her extensive, international experience with the use of the model is invaluable to the partnership.
  • Erika Rivers and Mark Hauck of the Department of Natural Resources - Ms. Rivers had conceived and initiated the project in 2008, providing vision and leadership in securing support for the project. Mr. Hauck, also with the DNR, has administered the project since the summer of 2010.
The Citizens of the State of Minnesota are a funding partner through the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). When recommendations of the project are widely implemented it will be the citizens of the State of Minnesota who benefit from the improved condition of shoreland and the more efficient use of conservation initiatives.

Project Partners

Mark Hauck, Community Assistance Specialist
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
[email protected]

Steve Henry, Shoreland Specialist
Douglas Soil and Water Conservation District
320-763-3191, ext 3
[email protected]

Mary Blickenderfer, U of M Extension Educator
Also representing the Itasca Water Legacy Partnership
[email protected]

Karlyn Eckman, Senior Research Associate
University of Minnesota Water Resources Center
[email protected]

Darren Newville, District Manager
East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District
218-346-4260, ext 3
[email protected]

Matt Johnson, District Manager
Itasca County Soil and Water Conservation District
[email protected]

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