The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Metro Region, has prepared checklists and a reference list that can be tools for local decision makers in integrating natural resource conservation into local planning. Local units of government and citizen groups are encouraged to use these resources when developing or updating policies, plans, ordinances, etc.
Natural resource guidance checklists
- Use of these checklists is completely voluntary.
- Each checklist is intended to help the community integrate natural resources into a particular type of local policy or plan.
- Each checklist is an outline of key components of a typical local planning document with important natural resource-related questions to consider and some examples, definitions, and references.
Checklists available
- Reference List: Useful Natural Resource Documents for Local Government
- Natural Resource Inventory and Analysis for City or County
- Addressing Natural Resources in a Comprehensive Plan
- Natural Environmental Areas Overlay District Ordinance
- Conserving Natural Resources through Density Bonuses
- Natural Areas Management Plan