Enrollment is open for Minnesota’s 2025 Walk-In Access program, which pays landowners to allow public access on private lands.
Since 2011, the Walk-In Access program has enrolled parcels of 40 acres or larger with high-quality natural cover. These parcels are usually enrolled in conservation programs like the Conservation Reserve Program or Reinvest in Minnesota. Although it is not a requirement, it is preferred to ensure quality habitat for outdoor recreation. For enrolling in the program, landowners can receive $18 per acre.
The DNR partners with select soil and water conservation districts across the state to assist landowners in enrolling parcels into the Walk-In Access program. The participating counties along with their contact information are listed on the Minnesota DNR’s website.
A $3 Walk-In Access validation is needed to gain access to enrolled parcels, which are marked with highly visible signs. The one validation allows access for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy a variety of activities, whether it be hunting, bird watching, nature photography and more.
“Walk-In Access is often seen as a win-win for outdoor enthusiasts and landowners,” said Amber Knutson, Walk-In Access program coordinator. “With almost 30,000 acres of privately-owned Walk-In Access land available to use, outdoor enthusiasts can have confidence that they’re welcome on these parcels. And landowners receive a monetary incentive while also gaining liability protection through the recreational use laws written in Minnesota state statute.”
Participating outdoor enthusiasts can access Walk-In Access parcels from Sept. 1 through May 31, one half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset with a current Walk-In Access validation. All hunting laws apply and are enforced by Minnesota DNR conservation officers. For nonhunting users, it is advised to wear blaze orange or pink during firearms seasons to make yourself visible to hunters.
This program is primarily funded through the Voluntary Public Access-Habitat Incentive Program grant offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service. Additional funding sources include a $5 surcharge on all nonresident hunting licenses, Walk-In Access validations, and donations made by individuals.
Landowners can sign up for the program at their local soil and water conservation district office or by contacting Amber Knutson at 507-706-6172. More information is available at the Minnesota DNR’s Walk-In Access webpage.