by Michelle Kelly, Education Specialist
St. Paul Public Schools utilizes MinnAqua lessons to help meet science standards.The lessons in the Minnesota DNR MinnAqua Program’s Fishing: Get in the Habitat! curriculum guide are aligned with MN Academic Standards for grades 3-5, and the Environmental Literacy Scope and Sequence. Its lessons engage students in learning that is relevant, place-based, interdisciplinary and fun – all within an environmental context of fishing, aquatic education, and natural resources management.The St. Paul Public School District (SPPS District) has recognized the value of providing resources for teachers and students that advance education through environmental literacy and has incorporated several Fishing: Get in the Habitat! lessons into its new elementary science academic standards and curriculum framework.This framework document was developed by the St. Paul Public School District to create a culture of high aspirations for its students and to provide coursework that:
November 2008

- is guaranteed, viable, and appropriately challenging in every classroom
- is relevant to students' lives and goals
- develops from student performance data
- aligns with state and district standards
- is accountable to a community of practice