by Jenifer Matthes
Youth participants and volunteers fishing at White Bear Lake.Most students look forward to May as the wrap up of their school year, but this year May took on a whole new meaning for Lakeaires Elementary in White Bear Lake. Students from Laura Bege’s, Kelly Humphrey’s, and Jennifer Kiesling’s second grade classes were highlighted at the 61st Annual Governors Fishing Opener, with opening ceremonies on May 8th. The seventy-two students completed 14 MinnAqua Fishing: Get in the Habitat! lessons before their field day to Lions Park on White Bear Lake. “The students loved every lesson and I had so much fun teaching them. The kids are so pumped about learning!” expressed Laura Bege, Lakeaires second grade teacher.The students spent the morning at Lion’s Park planting a shore land restoration site, refreshing their fish identification skills at the live aquarium tank, practicing casting, and learning safety at the water’s edge. Governor Tim Pawlenty stopped by to spend time with the students and take part in the field activities. They completed their day pier fishing on White Bear Lake where they caught bluegill. The students wrapped up their year with a classroom visit from a pro musky fisherman and completing one more MinnAqua Fishing: Get in the Habitat! lesson.MinnAqua would like to say thank you to John Hiebert, Heather Baird, Lindy Ekola, Jim Levitt, Sean Sisler, Tim Ohmann, Fishing in the Neighborhood, TJ DeBates, Dirk Peterson, Harland Heimstra, Jerry Johnson, James Stone, Pete Takash and all of the parents and chaperones from Lakeaires Elementary that volunteered their time to this event.
May 2009