Lesson 5:7 - Making Ice Fishing Jiggle Sticks
by Nadine Meyer
February 2011

Lesson Summary
Students make and rig their own ice fishing jiggle sticks.Tips & Tricks

- This activity has many steps involved. It is important to keep all of your students on the same steps at the same time. For students that finish first - ask them to help other students.
- Have your school's shop class or a local wood worker cut and pre-drill the dowels for you. You can have them prepare more than one class' worth ahead of time.
- Keep small pieces like the screws, sinkers, and hooks in plastic containers that are clearly labeled.
- Knot tying practice materials can be made out of rope and shower curtain rings or 5" dowels with a large eye-screw attached to one end. It is helpful to clearly mark one end of the rope with permanent marker to designate the "tag" end of the "fishing line".
Diving Deeper
Your students may be interested in learning more about different ice fishing techniques. Invite a guest speaker from your local Darkhouse Association or Ice Team Representative. You may have parents that are willing to visit your class and show off their ice fishing tools and equipment as well.MinnAqua Lesson Connections
You can use this lesson as part of a winter unit utilizing the a suite of winter and all-season lessons found in the MinnAqua Leader's Guide.A unit may include:
- Lesson 1:6 - From Frozen to Fascinating
- Lesson 2:3 - Fish Families
- Lesson 2:8 - Fish in Winter
- Lesson 3:5 - The Lake Game
- Lesson 4:1 - Fishing Regulations and Sportsmanship
- Lesson 5:7 - Making Ice Fishing Jiggle Sticks
- Lesson 6:2 - Ice Fishing and Winter Safety