Lesson 1:3 - Run For Your Life Cycle
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Lesson Summary ("Original Version")
The northern pike is an example of a Minnesota fish species that migrates to complete its life cycle. In this role-playing activity, students become northern pike traveling a migration route through a course depicting a wetland, a stream, and a deepwater lake. Dangers accompany migration—the northern pike encounter both natural and human-induced obstacles as they grow to adulthood and return to the wetland to spawn.Lesson Summary (NEW "Sturgeon Version")
The lake sturgeon is an example of a Minnesota fish species that migrates to complete its life cycle. In this role-playing activity, students become lake sturgeon traveling a migration route through a course depicting a gravelly or rocky bottomed shallow stream, a river, and a deepwater lake. Dangers accompany migration—the lake sturgeon encounter both natural and human-induced obstacles as they grow to adulthood and return to the shallow stream to spawn.Tips & Tricks

- For both the original version and the sturgeon version of Run For Your Life Cycle you may want to have photographs/magazine images available of each of the main habitats that the fish use for their life cycle.
- The images of the low head dam and fish passage found in the original version of the lesson plan are available on your MinnAqua Fishing: Get in the Habitat! CD and can be easily printed on 8.5 x 11 paper to use during the game for both versions.
- This game can easily be adapted for a 20-minute up to a 50-minute class period by reducing the number of rounds or adding more obstacles that the students suggest.
- While this game is best used outdoors, it can be set up indoors in a large hallway, gym, or in your classroom if you are able to move your student desks allowing for a large open space.
Diving Deeper
- Look up Minnesota Fishing Regulations for Lake Sturgeon and Northern Pike.
- Contact your local DNR Fisheries Office to find out if it is possible to view Northern Pike or Lake Sturgeon migration in your area.