Book Reviews

Invasive Species

by Nadine Meyer

November 2010

Flotsam Cover
Flotsam, 2006

by David Wiesner
Grades: PreK-2 ISBN: 0618194576

This wordless book contains rich illustrations of underwater life as imagined by a little boy who finds a camera among the Flotsam left behind by a huge wave. Each "reading" can take on a different meaning just by a suggestion before beginning the story.

Available in hardcover & paperback.

Animal Invaders Series 
Animal Invaders Series, 2008 & 2009

By various authors, Cherry Lake Publishing
Grades: 3-6 ISBN: varies by book

This series of books provides engaging information about a variety of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species. Complete with full-color images of the species, maps of where the invaders came from and where they are found, and in-depth descriptions that include the life-cycle and management of each species. Aquatic species covered in the series include zebra mussels, sea lamprey, and invasive carp.

Available in library binding & paperback

Invasion Ecology Cover 
Cornell Scientific Inquiry Series: Invasion Ecology, Student Edition, 2003

by Marianne E. Krasny and the Environmental Inquiry Team
Grades: 9-12 Activity Guide ISBN: 0873552113

"Invasion Ecology provides background and quantitative techniques that can be used in general ecology coursework or research specific to invasive species. Quadrant and transect surveys are appropriate for population studies from middle school through college. Procedures are also included for observational studies and collections. The text could also be used as a module in other science courses or as a resource for student research projects. The authors do not assume prior student knowledge, and the material is presented with background information sequenced from simple to complex." ~ National Science Teacher's Association Recommends

Available in paperback from the NSTApress.

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