Catfish Stories
by Nadine Meyer, Aquatic Education SpecialistMay 2012
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Grades: K-5 ISBN: 0590443496
The bullhead kicks off each season in this collection of poetry and watercolor illustrations. The author accurately describes the bullhead's life cycle and seasonal behaviors in the four short poems dedicated to this lakebottom dweller. Each of the seasons has three or four poems that highlight wild and domestic animals that are found around lakes. The poems are both auditory and visually enticing. A delightful set of poems that will entertain non-readers and readers alike.No longer in print, available used.

Grades: 3-6 ISBN: 0925417378This fictional story is based on two puppets, which were named Catfish and Little Bream, created by the author's daughter when she was a young child. From the back cover: "(This story) is about a big fish who becomes bored with life in a little pond in the South. He sets out on a great adventure, and along the way comes to realize what is truly important in life." While this book isn't a science tradebook, it provides a good platform for inquiry into the habits and habitats of catfish and sunfish.Available in hardcover or audio cassette.

By Marcia S. Freeman, illustrated by Rose Stock; Maupin House Publishing Inc.
Grades: 3-7: 09298895215With the help of her supportive parents, a young girl uses her knowledge of science, her ingenuity, and her problem-solving skills to try and catch a lunker catfish to help feed her family. A heart-warming story of how children can be creative, patient, and self-sufficient even when their families are struggling. An excellent book for discussing how simple it can be to get the tools you need to go fishing including cleaning and cooking your catch. Please note - there is an inaccurate description of barbels in the last chapter of the book. The part of a catfish or bullhead that "stings" is the spine that is found on each of the dorsal and pectoral fins.Available in paperback.