Book Reviews

Water Stewardship

by Nadine Meyer

February 2011

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The Earth and I Cover
The Earth and I, 1994, 2008

by Frank Asch, Voyager Books, Harcourt, Inc.
Grades: PreK-2 ISBN: 9780152063955

With colorful watercolor illustrations and simple language, this story tells about the interconnection between humans and the Earth. "When she's sad, I'm sad." The story ends with a series of wordless illustrations showing how a child can make the Earth "happy".

Available in paperback.

Follow the Water cover
Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean, 1991

by Arthur Dorros, HarperTrophy
Grades: 3-6 ISBN: 9780064451154

The reader follows the flow of water from a neighborhood stream to the ocean. Along the way the story and illustrations highlight some of the human impacts water encounters as it flows towards the oceans. Without being heavy-handed, the impacts are pointed out and the reader is encouraged to keep water clean. This book has many concepts about watersheds, how rivers flow, and environmental stewardship all wrapped up in a nicely illustrated package.

Available in paperback.

Life in a River 
Life in a River (Ecosystems in Action), 2003

By Valerie Rapp, Lerner Publications
Grades: 5-9 ISBN: 0822521369

The complex ecosystems of rivers, tributaries, and the lands through which they flow provide excellent examples of biodiversity and interdependence. In one chapter, the author concentrates on a single species, the salmon, using it to illustrate the ease with which people interrupt the fish’s life cycle and the entire ecosystem in a variety of unforeseen ways. Color photographs of creatures that live in and near the river predominate. Drawings illustrate the key scientific concepts of water cycle and watershed. A map of the Columbia River watershed as it evolved naturally is juxtaposed against a map of the river as it is today with its various dams and impoundments.

Available in hardcover.

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