Photographer's Guidelines

Minnesota Conservation Volunteer is always looking for fresh perspectives from professional photographers in the field of Minnesota wildlife, plant, scenic, and outdoor photography. We either commission assignments with First North American Rights or purchase existing photography on a one-time-use basis. On occasion, we use the work of photographers new to us. We look for certain qualities that put photography on a par with established magazine standards, as described below.


Visual dynamics: Depending on the type of assignment, photographs should be clearly aesthetic and/or illustrative. We seek arresting photos that use visual dynamics such as clarity and dramatic effect.


Visual integrity: With the exception of stitched-panoramas and commissioned photo-illustrations, we do not use photographs that have been digitally altered. We will not use wildlife photographs that use baiting techniques, for example, baiting owls with mice.


Technical details: Film must be or 35mm, medium- or large-format. If color, use C41 process. Digital must be high-resolution images, minimum 8 inches by 12 inches at 300dpi, .tiff files.


Queries: If you believe your work is a good fit with the standards of Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, please call 651-259-5341 to arrange for a submission.


Payment: We pay $100 per photo for one-time use, regardless of size or position, and $50 per photo if used online. Additionally, photos published in the magazine may be used in a Young Naturalists Teachers Guide online and in promotional material for the magazine without additional compensation.