July–August 2023

Your guide to Minnesota's woods, waters, and wildlife


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The Secret Lives of Cave Critters

At Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park, researchers have discovered tiny, transparent invertebrates—some of which might be new to science. What can these animals teach us about their fragile underground home?
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Bloomington resident Scott Sharkey turned his passion for a Minnesota River marsh into a decades-long photo project.
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Small Wonders

Get to know your lycophytes—and ferns—with a new field guide by DNR botanist Welby Smith.
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From the Editor

Healthy Obsessions

Nature rewards those who watch it closely.
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A Deeper Dive

This project takes a close look at native algae called stoneworts.
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Making Connections

Talking all things prairie with Minnesota DNR regional ecologist Megan Benage.

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Bucket List

Pick a Bucket of Blueberries

Finding blueberry patches along the Magnetic Rock hiking trail.
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Young Naturalists

All Clean!

Minnesota creatures get the grime out in their own special ways. 
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Minnesota Profile

Wild Cucumber (Echinocystis lobata)

This native plant with spiky fruit is common along roadsides.




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