The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources offers hot-water, high-pressure decontamination trainings to interested lake service provider businesses.
April Rust, AIS Training Coordinator
MN DNR - Ecological and Water Resources, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155
[email protected] |651.259.5706|1.888.MINN.DNR
- learn proper methods in decontaminating equipment
- get hands-on practice with hot-water/high-pressure decontamination units.
- have their business listed as getting extra decontamination training on the public list of permitted lake service providers.
- Due to the hands-on nature, intensive equipment and staffing required for this type of class, trainings have limited availability during the open-water season and require pre-registration.
- Registration is accepted on a first-come first served basis.
- Trainings are canceled if minimum class size is not reached.
April Rust, AIS Training Coordinator
MN DNR - Ecological and Water Resources, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155
[email protected] |651.259.5706|1.888.MINN.DNR