Purchase a lifetime license for yourself or as a gift to someone else
Lifetime license are available for certain hunting and fishing activities and must initially be applied for through the DNR License Center. The initial purchase of lifetime license cannot be purchased online. Download the application formFees | ||||||||
Age Group | Fishing | Small Game | Sports | Firearms deer | Archery deer | Spearing only | Spearing/ Angling | Sports/ Spearing |
3 and under | $344 | $223 | $522 | $458 | $458 | $90 | $432 | $612 |
4 to 15 | $469 | $301 | $710 | $607 | $607 | $124 | $579 | $833 |
16 to 50 | $574 | $430 | $927 | $741 | $741 | $117 | $678 | $1,046 |
51 and over | $379 | $274 | $603 | $528 | $528 | $61 | $439 | $666 |
Fees are based on the age of the licensee as of the date the application is received. An application must be received at the DNR License Center, 500 Lafayette Rd, St. Paul, MN 55155-4026 no later than 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline or, if mailed, an application must be postmarked on or before the deadline date. Please plan accordingly to ensure a licensee’s age matches the fee category when received by the DNR. Processing time
Allow three (3) weeks for processing of lifetime license applications.Payment methods
Pay with cash, check, credit card or money order.Lifetime license approval
Lifetime License applications are subject to review for applicant's eligibility to purchase a game and fish license.
Residency requirements
A resident lifetime license may be issued to a person who is a resident of the state for at least one year or who is under age 21 and the child of a person who is a resident of the state for at least one year prior to this application. If proof of residency cannot be verified, the license application will be denied.Resident lifetime license is valid even if the licensee moves out of state
A lifetime license remains valid even if the license holder moves out of Minnesota. The licensee will still need to obtain an annual license to hunt or fish in Minnesota. Once you become a nonresident, you are only eligible for the specific lifetime license you had purchased as a resident. You are not eligible for any other resident licenses or resident opportunities.Minnesota driver's license, Minnesota public safety identification number required
Licensees age 21 or older must provide a current Minnesota driver’s license or public safety identification card number. If the licensee is under 21 and they do not have one of these forms of ID, please provide a parent’s current driver’s license or ID number as proof of residency.Refund and transfers
- The license fees paid for a lifetime license are nonrefundable.
- Lifetime licenses are not transferable between persons or from one type of lifetime license to another.
Lifetime licenses are issued to individuals only
An individual licensee may have more than one type of lifetime license, however, the licenses are for individuals only, there are no combination lifetime licenses.Annual authorization of lifetime license (renewing your license)
A lifetime license holder, who is required by law to have a game and fish license, must authorize their participation by obtaining an annual license each year the lifetime license is used. These annual licenses are issued at no fee, except a convenience fee will be added to licenses obtained by telephone or internet. Annual authorization (renewal) of participation by the license holder will allow for distribution of the current regulation booklets, accurate counts of active licensees each year, and currently updated records on licensees.Three ways to annually authorize (renew/activate) your lifetime license:
- Online licensing
Renew / activate your licenses online*Licenses that require a tag or sticker can be renewed online, but you must wait for them to arrive in the mail, in 5 to 10 business days, before participating in the licensed activity. - Phone
You can purchase licenses by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-888-665-4236. For licenses that do not require a tag, this toll-free call provides immediate licensing by issuing a license identification number. The license identification number is valid until you receive an actual license in the mail. Licenses that require a tag will be mailed to the licensee and may not be used until received. A convenience fee will be added to licenses obtained by telephone. - In person
Go to any DNR license agent to obtain your annual authorization (renewal) in person. There is no additional charge to renew in person.
Duplicate licenses
Duplicate lifetime licenses are available via any of the above purchasing methods.Firearms safety certificate
A person born on or after January 1, 1980, may not obtain an annual license to take wild animals by firearms unless the person has a firearms safety certificate or equivalent certificate, or other evidence indicating that the person has completed, in this state or in another state, a hunter safety course recognized by the department under a reciprocity agreement. For more information, please call 651-296-6157 or toll free at 1-888-646-6367.Stamps
Lifetime license holders must purchase any stamps necessary to perform their license activity. State stamps or stamp validations may be purchased at the DNR License Center in St. Paul, at any license agent, online or by telephone.Validity
Lifetime licenses are valid during the lawful time within the license year that the licensed activity may be performed. The licenses remain valid for the lifetime of the licensee.Validity and issuance of licenses after convictionMinnesota Statutes 97A.421 relating to violation of game and fish laws outlines licensing procedures after convictions. Please contact the DNR Information Center at 651-296-6157 for more information if you have any questions.