Common questions

Does my plastic card take the place of my license?
No, by law, you need to carry your actual license with you. You may be in violation if you do not have your license in possession. Your card does NOT take the place of your license; however, if you lose your actual license, you will need to go to an ELS agent, and they will print you a duplicate license, free of charge. Your plastic card has all the information needed for an ELS agent to print out a duplicate license.

Why do I have to renew / activate my license every year if I bought a lifetime license?
The annual license renewal / activation ensures that as an angler or hunter, you are counted for Federal Aid and accounting needs. It also provides you an opportunity to update your address and provide input on license questions.

If I already purchased my fishing license for this year, and then decided I wanted to buy my lifetime angling license, can I be reimbursed or use that money towards my lifetime license?
Unfortunately, you cannot. We have no legislative authority to make refunds on game and fish licenses.

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